Friday, April 24, 2009

Current Event

I am going to talk about water-boarding. I think it is necessary for the government to use water-boarding on terrorists when needed. In the past, we have saved American lives by getting information out of suspected terrorists. It does not leave permanent damage on the suspects but it gets the answers out of them that we need. Some countries use harsh methods such as electrocution or finger-cutting so in comparison to them, we are not very "extreme" when it comes to torture. Also, what is torture? It is a very hard word to define. Is sleep deprivation torture, and is making someone watch the Rachel Maddow show for 24 hours torture? There is no fine line between what is or isn't torture. Secondly, water-boarding is even an approved hazing method at the marines, so it obviously is not seen as being too harsh. When there is a man that you strongly believe has information on an alleged attack, would you try to get some answers out of him to save American lives? The answer is yes. If it means being "mean" to a terrorist to save innocent American lives, you would also make the call to water-board him for some answers. Of course it may not always be an easy call, but if there is strong evidence that supports him working as a terrorist the decision must be made. Another point is the message you send to the terrorists when torturing them. They know that if they try to keep up what they have been doing, they will get caught and punished again. This would deter terrorists from trying to make stupid decisions and attacking the United States of America. We must continue to be pro-active on defeating terrorism by using water-boarding.


  1. I absolutely agree! There is no doubt that watching the Rachel Maddow for any stretch of time is torture. Honestly, during this time of war we need to treat terrorists for what they are-- people that are willing to harm Americans at any cost.

    While we should not use harsh interrogation on every person that harms this country, information needs from to be extracted from those that are conspiring to harm us.

  2. I feel as though this is a torture!
    I mean you may not fully understand it until you actually experience it, but i think just like verbal or physical abuse, THIS Is torture. Any act that inflicts emotional or physical damage is torture!

  3. Waterboarding is absolutely torture. While interrogation is necassary to obtain information, making someone feel like they are drowning and suffocating is crossing the line. However, on terrorists, I believe we hav the right to torture, as their morales are not there, they will kill anyone without blinking, therefore, we have no obligation to treat them as ordinary prisoners.

  4. I believe that this water-boarding method is actually a method of torture even though you say it may not be. However, I agree with your method. Making people feel like they're drowning is a very effective way of getting the answer when needed because it seems like their life is in real danger when it actually is not. You have very good points, especially the one about stopping terrorism.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I absolutely think this is necessary. If we do not bring justice to terrorists foreign and domestic they will continue to cause harm. When terrorist attack us what are we supposed to do? Should we tell them that it is wrong and that they shouldn't do it again? No we should do to them what they did to us. If we capture them and get answers then it is absolutely effective and should continue. This is absolutely not too harsh. What is too harsh is when terrorists fly planes into towers and kill 2,000 people. This will absolutely bring fear into terrorist's eyes. They need to stop now.

  7. I completely agree with you. I think that water boarding and other torture methods should be used, especially when American lives are in risk. If we have the reason to believe that a “terrorist” is withholding information from us, all means necessary, short of killing them should be used. I also agree that it is unclear how to define torture. If someone we have is likely withhold information that could be vital to stopping an attack, water boarding and other methods should be used to make them talk. They could be putting a lot of lives at risk, so we are putting theirs at risk also. This is also similar to what has happened in the show 24.
